
Save On Turners Collet Chuck Set #2 MT Store

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Turners Collet Chuck Set #2 MT Specification

  • Includes eight collets which range from 1/8" to 3/8" and 1/2" to 5/8" by 1/16"
  • #2 Morse taper
  • Perfect for holding small pieces
  • Tight grip with little or no marring

Turners Collet Chuck Set #2 MT Overview

Collet chucks are preferred by woodturners for holding small pieces for turning because the collets grip tight enough to easily hold your work but with little or no marring. Our chuck is built to machinist tolerances and uses interchangeable collets to grip round tenons. The collets, which work just like the chuck in your router, grip with even pressure completely around the tenon on your workpiece. Includes eight collets which range from 1/8" to 3/8" and 1/2" to 5/8" by 16ths, collet chuck with #2 Morse taper and chuck wrench in a fitted case.

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