
you looking for low-priced Pro-Quality 20-Piece Diamond-Point Bit Set for Rotary Tool - Glass, Stone, Ceramic?

Save On Pro-Quality 20-Piece Diamond-Point Bit Set for Rotary Tool - Glass, Stone, Ceramic Online Store

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Pro-Quality 20-Piece Diamond-Point Bit Set for Rotary Tool - Glass, Stone, Ceramic and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Pro-Quality 20-Piece Diamond-Point Bit Set for Rotary Tool - Glass, Stone, Ceramic Overview

Professional Quality, 1/8 in. Shank, 180 Grit. Includes 20 assorted shapes covered with diamond particles. All bits have 1/8 in. shanks and come in convienient plastic holder. Excellent for fine detail work, cutting, engraving, carving, touch-up and finishing. Use on wood, jade, ceramic, glass, hardened steel, semi-precious stones and other hard materials.

Pro-Quality 20-Piece Diamond-Point Bit Set for Rotary Tool - Glass, Stone, Ceramic Features

  • Includes 20 assorted shapes covered with diamond particles.
  • All bits have 1/8" shanks and come in convienient plastic holder.
  • Excellent for fine detail work, cutting, engraving, carving, touch-up and finishing.
  • 180 grit
  • Made In China

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