
Discount Gyros 45-01819 Adaptor Chuck Set, 0" to .094" Capacity . For Dremel Type Tools Online

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Gyros 45-01819 Adaptor Chuck Set, 0" to .094" Capacity . For Dremel Type Tools Features

  • Stainless Steel 
  • 0" - .094" (#42-#80) Combined Collet Capacity
  • 1/8" Shank
  • 15,000 RPM

Gyros 45-01819 Adaptor Chuck Set, 0" to .094" Capacity . For Dremel Type Tools Overview

Our Stainless Steel Adaptor Chuck is an all purpose chuck that comes with 2 collets and works with a full range of wire gauge drill sizes.  this makes the task of centering small drill bits in a hand or electric drill simple and wasy.  The chuck has a cross drilled hole allowing you to easily tighten larger drills.  Together, the collets have a range of 0"-.094" (#42-#80).  Precise and strong, these chucks have a poular 1/8" shank and can be run at 15,000 RPM.   MADE IN THE USAPackage Includes:Chuck  (1)Collets (2)

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