
Buy Skil 1830 120V 2-1/4 HP Combo Base Router Set Sale

you looking for low-priced Skil 1830 120V 2-1/4 HP Combo Base Router Set?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells Skil 1830 120V 2-1/4 HP Combo Base Router Set and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Skil 1830 120V 2-1/4 HP Combo Base Router Set Specification

  • Soft start technology-for smoother start-ups and increased motor life
  • 1/2-Inch collet capacity - for larger profile applications
  • Micro-fine depth adjustment-for precise depth measurements
  • Dual position on/off switch-for user convenience and better control
  • Quick-clamp release lever-for easy motor adjustments and removal

Skil 1830 120V 2-1/4 HP Combo Base Router Set Overview

Includes 2-1/4 HP Combo Base Router Kit w/ Soft Start - 1830, Aluminum Fixed Base, Aluminum Plunge Base, Chip Deflector, 1/4-in Collet Adapter, Collet Wrench, Carrying Bag

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