
you looking for inexpensive MLCS 9177 Brass Router Inlay Kit with Router Bit?

Best Cheap MLCS 9177 Brass Router Inlay Kit with Router Bit Online Shop

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MLCS 9177 Brass Router Inlay Kit with Router Bit Overview

This easy to use inlay kit follows a 3/16" thick pattern template of almost any shape to produce the recess. Create precisely matched inlays by simply removing the bushing. This solid brass inlay kit will fit your Porter Cable®, Black & Decker* or any router with a manufacturer supplied adaptor for Porter Cable® bushings. Kit includes a brass bushing, brass template guide and brass retainer nut. A 1/8" downcut solid carbide spiral bit (1/8" Shank with 1/4" adaptor bushing) is also included. NOTE: Bowtie Inlay Pattern is NOT included.

MLCS 9177 Brass Router Inlay Kit with Router Bit Features

  • Perfect fitting recesses and professional inlays
  • Easy to use

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